1. Move the cursor over the spot you want coordinates for.
2. Right click and select “Directions to here” on pop-up menu.
3. Copy coordinates from “End Address”: e.g. 29.199505,-90.041242
4. Paste them back into the “Search Maps” box and click to check position
and get them in DMS format: e.g. +29° 11′ 58.22″, ‑90° 2′ 28.47″
You can also use the ‘Link to this page’ in the upper right hand corner.
I usually right-click on point of interest and ‘Center map here.’
Then choose the ‘Link to this page’ option.
You should be able to copy and paste the URL and extract the coordinates from there.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=63116&ie=UTF8&ll= 38.561304,-90.263672&spn=0.002391,0.005879&t=k&z=18&iwloc=addr 38.561304,-90.263672
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