— After click on start menu, star menu didn’t show.
‑Create 2 admin users
net user “TempAdmin1” “password1” /add
net user “TempAdmin2” “password2” /add
net localgroup administrators “TempAdmin2” /add
— Login to the “TempAdmin1” account using password “password1”
— RESTART, and then login to the “TempAdmin2” account, using “password2”
— RENAME YOUR C:\Users\[YOUR_USERNAME]\Local\TileDataLayer to TileDataLayer_OLD
— RESTART, then sign back in with your original profile.
Win+X -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Manage Another Account
Select Account, then “Delete Account”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ ImmersiveShell\Launcher
— Double-click the newly created item and set the value to 0.
— Restart or just restart Explorer
SORUCE : shivarweb.com