Best program to manage file in the ipad and iphone


1) Lea­wo iOS File Manager


1, ITools
2, http://www.i‑


most com­mon fold­ers in the iOS file sys­tem. Please note, if your device is still jailed you are NOT able to see these folders

This is where pre-installed native apps and jail­break apps are installed.

This is where the pre-installed ring­tones are stored. User-pur­chased ring­tones are placed in /private/var/mobile/Media/Ringtones

This is where Wall­pa­pers and Lockscreens are stored.

This fold­er con­tains cached data from appli­ca­tions, which can be delet­ed safe­ly. A back­up before­hand is recommended.

This fold­er con­tains appli­ca­tions that were down­loaded from the App Store.

This fold­er con­tains all the pic­tures you have tak­en on the iPhone.

/private/var/mobile/Media/iTunes Con­trol
iTunes stores its media files and pref­er­ences here.

/private/var/mobile/Media/iTunes Control/Music
This fold­er con­tains music and videos added via iTunes. Files are ran­dom­ly renamed, but the con­tent can be iden­ti­fied by read­ing the tags on the media files.

You can cus­tomize Sum­mer­board Themes here.

This is where iPhone Address Book is stored.

This fold­er con­tains audio files record­ed by soft­ware like VNotes.

This fold­er con­tains ring­tones trans­ferred by soft­ware like iBrickr.

This is where text mes­sages are stored.

This is where PDF files are stored.

This fold­er con­tains tem­po­rary data.

This fold­er con­tains audio files used by the user inter­face for var­i­ous events.

This fold­er holds all of the sys­tem fonts.

/System/Library/Carrier Bun­dles
Every car­ri­er set­ting is here. Every fold­er has a short­cut with a num­ber (from 00101 to 74810).

Spring­Board is the stan­dard appli­ca­tion that man­ages the iOS home screen, pro­vid­ing graph­i­cal ser­vices rang­ing from icon badges, the dock, mul­ti­task­ing and so on.

SOURCE : http://forum.i‑

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